About Claude

I’m a writer, economist, painter and poet – yes, all of that (plus I love cooking and have two wonderful dogs)!  And as if this wasn’t enough, I’m also Senior Editor at Impakter News, an online media for millennials and Generation Z that I helped to found in 2014 and where I regularly write as a columnist.

Curious about all the articles I wrote? Here’s the full list: ​list of authored articles  And that work at Impakter has been (and is) an exciting experience: I love online journalism, the explanatory kind I engage in, and I love being in touch with new, upcoming generations, working closely with millennial and Gen Z writers.

As to how I got there. It all started long ago, first at Barnard College and next at Columbia University. After graduation (with an economics degree), I dabbled in a wide variety of jobs before starting a 25-year career at the United Nations (Food and Agriculture), ending as Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia. Disclosure: I enjoyed my technical work traveling across the world, getting to know people in all walks of life a lot more than my managerial job. But sure, becoming a manager gave me invaluable insights into the difficult task leaders face…

Using several pen names (notably Claude Nougat for my books in English and Bonanno/di Linguaglossa for my books in Italian), I ended up authoring many books, including two in Italian that drew a lot of attention from critics, and one (a children’s book) even won several awards, including the prestigious Premio Mediterraneo. I wrote seven novels in English (all adult fiction) and a couple of essays, one on development aid (in English) and one on the concept of sustainability (in Italian, published in 1989, soon after the Brundtland Report); in the 2010s I was considered a prime exponent of Boomer literature, being a Goodreads librarian having launched a successful Goodreads group that at its high point (in 2014-15) had nearly 800 members, mostly writers of Boomer Lit (and readers!).

My most recently published book is a novella, Decapitationfirst published in digital form in 2017 and issued as a paperback in 2019.

I have had the honor of having my (very personal) poetry included in “Freeze Frame“, an international poetry anthology curated by British poet Oscar Sparrow and published by Gallo Romano Media in 2012.

I’m happily married and live in Italy – in the Umbrian countryside, the “green heart” of Italy.

My novels in English:

Crimson Clouds, literary fiction. Available on Amazon

Gateway to Forever, speculative science fiction. Available on Amazon here.

Luna Risinga Sicilian family saga (3 volumes) Available on Amazon. First volume, The Circle of Conversation, here.

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One response to “About Claude

  1. ps i lived in ROME 1971, trastevere one yaer my roomate was LAZLO TOTH THE man who to0ok hamme and knocked off nose of MADOONA statue PIETA by Mike ANgelo. ask me how this happened. only i know,. i was there …ever hear that story. lazo is now in austramlia nursing home

    Liked by 1 person

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